PURESWIM Saltwater Pools & ConversionS

Affordable Saltwater Pool & Conversion Services in Glendale, Arizona & the Entire Phoenix Area

At PureSwim, we are dedicated to creating extraordinary pool experiences by harnessing the inherent purity of saltwater. As industry leaders in saltwater chlorination conversion, we believe that your pool should be a sanctuary of wellness, free from harsh chemicals and additives. Our industry-leading solutions transform you ordinary pool into a pristine saltwater oasis that delivers unrivaled benefits for your health and enjoyment of your pool.

We take immense pride in our expertise and commitment to excellence. We work closely with you and the specific parameters of your pool, offering personalized solutions tailored to your needs and preferences. With meticulous attention to detail and unrivaled expertise in the Phoenix area, we create saltwater pools that surpass your expectations, giving you a healthy environment to unwind and rejuvenate.

Picture of swimming pool with orange and yellow sunset reflected in the water.
Photo of boy wearing blue goggles laying prone in shallow swimming pool resting his face in his hands and smiling at the camera.


We firmly believe that chemicals in pools pose significant concerns for both people and the environment. Traditional chemical-based pool treatments often rely on not only chemically-derived chlorine but other harsh chemicals as well in order to maintain water sanitation. These chemicals can have detrimental effects on your health and the ecosystem. Exposure to chlorine and its byproducts, like chloramines, can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. The use of chemical additives contributes to water pollution and can harm animal and aquatic life when pool water is discharged into the environment. By embracing the purity of saltwater, we prioritize the well-being of swimmers while minimizing any negative ecological impacts.



We offer conversion of your existing pool into a saltwater pool. We also provide services for monthly and seasonal maintenance.

Saltwater Pool Conversions

We convert your current pool to saltwater.

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Monthly & Seasonal Maintenance

Monthly & seasonal maintenance for your saltwater pool.

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Close-up picture of condensed white translucent salt crystals.
Small translucent salt crystals on grey table.


The Unrivaled Purity of Saltwater: An Unforgettable Swim

Experience the refreshing difference of swimming in pure saltwater. We utilize advanced saltwater chlorination systems that maintain crystal-clear, clean water without the need for harsh chemicals. Our cutting-edge technology converts natural salt into a gentle, yet effective, sanitizer, providing a swim experience that is both invigorating and pure. And the water doesn’t taste like salt! The salinity levels of saltwater pools are so low that you cannot taste the salt in the water.


Embrace the Health Benefits: Discover Saltwater's Advantages

Immerse yourself in the extraordinary health benefits of saltwater. Unlike traditional chemical pools, saltwater pools offer numerous advantages for your well-being. The natural properties of saltwater promote healthier skin, hair, and eyes, leaving you feeling revitalized after every swim. With reduced chemical usage, saltwater pools minimize the risk of allergies, respiratory issues, and skin irritations, offering a healthier and safer environment for you and your loved ones.


Say Goodbye to Chemical Concerns: A Safer Choice

Bid farewell to the worries of chemical maintenance and potential health risks associated with traditional pools. PureSwim embraces a safer and more sustainable approach to pool care. By eliminating the need for harsh chemicals, we prioritize your well-being and the environment. Our saltwater pools provide a natural and sustainable solution, reducing chemical waste and preserving the purity of our water resources.

Close-up picture of condensed white translucent salt crystals.



  • How do saltwater pools work?

    Saltwater swimming pools work by utilizing a salt cell/generator, inside of which are metal plates. As water passes through the cell, a low electrical voltage is applied to the plates. This process, called electrolysis, causes the salt (sodium chloride) in the water to break down into its basic components: chlorine gas (Cl2) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Then, the chlorine gas produced in the salt cell is immediately dissolved into the pool water, chlorinating the pool naturally.

  • How is pH regulated in saltwater pools?

    The natural process of electrolysis creates sodium hydroxide which raises the water's alkalinity, thereby helping maintain the pool's pH balance and reducing the need for additional pH-adjusting chemicals.

  • How much salt will I need in my pool?

    The amount of salt needed for a saltwater generator cell varies depending on the size of the pool and the specific system you are using. Generally speaking, the typical amount of salt is around 2,700 to 3,000 ppm (parts per million), which would be approximately 54 pounds of raw pool-grade salt. Average size pools require about 100–200 pounds of salt per year to maintain those ideal levels.

    Remember that these are rough estimates. Monitoring your pool's salt concentration regularly using a salt test kit and adjusting as needed to maintain the desired salt level is required. We offer these services as part of our monthly maintenance package.

  • How much does pool-grade salt cost?

    A 40 pound bag usually costs from $8 to $12. So with needing around 100-200 pounds per year depending on the size of the pool and certain other environmental factors, the typical annual cost of salt would be from $20 to $60. Therefore salt is much cheaper than all the chemicals needed to maintain a traditional pool.

  • What are the drawbacks to saltwater pools?

    Initial cost to set up or convert your pool is more expensive than traditional pools, but the cost of maintaining the chlorination and pH is quite a bit lower so over time those costs average out to much less than a traditional pool. 

    Corrosion is the biggest drawback of saltwater pools, as the salt can corrode metals that are in or touching the water. When we convert your pool we take all the necessary measures such as using corrosion-resistant materials and installing sacrificial anodes. The normal aspects of owning a pool also help to prevent corrosion: maintaining proper water chemistry, regularly inspecting and cleaning equipment, rinsing the pool area, keeping an eye on seals and gaskets, and winterizing properly. We offer these services as part of our monthly maintenance program.




Unmatched Expertise and Dedication to Excellence


Experience the joy of swimming in water that is gentle, refreshing, and free from harsh chemicals. Embrace the numerous health benefits and the peace of mind that comes with owning a saltwater pool. Contact us today and let us transform your pool into a pure oasis that nourishes both body and soul.


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